Thursday, June 5, 2014

True Confessions

Those of us who call ourselves believers would never desire to be called Idol Worshipers, for there is only ONE we are called to Worship. And if we know and love that One, we LONG to worship Him. Inside each of us there is a God shaped hole and we long to have it filled. But in our world full of distractions, often times we find ourselves trying to fill those longings elsewhere. Often times we run through our busy schedule ignoring that gentle voice which is calling to us, "Come back and I will fill you and give you peace." As a "recovering" perfectionist, I find sanity comes back to me when I stop and take inventory of whom or what I have been serving lately. Often times, I find my heart has been bowed down to other things rather than my First Love, God. His heart longs to fill me up, to spend time with me, for He delights in his Children. When I bask in his presence, there is peace like no other and the longings fade away.
"I don't serve idols," you may say. And I would ask you, "What or Whom have you been serving lately?" Are you caught up in pressing deadlines, striving for just the perfect reaction from your co-workers or boss? Are you trying to create the best product/service on the market? Are you striving to have a perfect physique? Are you striving to have that dream car, dream house, dream vacation? How about finding the perfect spouse, or any spouse for that matter? Or have you been like me, striving to get that window picture perfect and missing the sun for the streaks?
It is in our striving that we can lose focus and become slaves to the thing for which we are striving. They become our master, our god. The things we find ourselves caught up in, bowing down to, we are actually serving. And so I ask you again, "What or whom are you serving today? Are you truly trying to live a life of excellence "Unto the Lord" or are you bowing to Idols, hoping somehow they will fill you?" Perfectionism is nothing more than Idol Worship. Hello, my name is Lori and I am an Idol Worshiper. Not proud, but honest. Daily I MUST surrender my agenda and my will to the Lord or I will most definitely fall prey to those idols once again. How about you, do you find yourself bowing to idols? If so, I say call out to the one, the true God and ask him to fill those longings like only He can and surrender it ALL to him and He will give you peace.
"I will have no other gods before me. You shall not make for yourselves an idol in the form of anything in heaven or on the earth beneath or in the waters below." ~ God
Exodus 20: 3 & 4

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