Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What's In A Rose?

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My child, it is time to walk into your new identity. Your identity is no longer established in this world and all that it offers. The world offers you distinctiveness found through youth, fame, success, wealth, possessions, titles, power and beauty. The world claims your identity is found through them. My child, this system of idols is not my way. My system is a Kingdom set apart by me and for me. I offer you so much more than this world can. I want to change the way you see yourself so that my love will live to the fullest in you. It is not to be stored. No, I want you to blossom to your fullest potential so that you may love as I love. It is through the aroma of my love that others will come to know me and my great love for them. What a sweet scent my love leaves.

You understand partly now but one day you will understand fully. Your focus will be made complete and your comprehension of who you truly are and who I truly am will become fully known. Until that time, I am working to renew your thoughts so that they will align with mine. When you look into a mirror, it is without thought that your eyes go straight to the place of your weakness. You see your flaws and imperfection but I see something completely different. You see your lack but I see my perfection. And when you gaze into the law of my first covenant, once again you see only your imperfection. This places focus on your sin rather than my LOVE and forgiveness found through the covenant of the cross. My LOVE covers a multitude of sin. My child, you have been made new In Christ, because you have turned back to me and accepted the gift of my son, Jesus. I have given you your true identity. You are a new creation placed directly in the center of my son, Jesus. In the past your focus has been skewed, but now it is time to live up to that which I say you are.

I see you as a reflection of my son, Jesus. When I look at you, I see his perfection. When you look at him, see yourself also. For the great riches of my love for him has also been lavished onto you. Go ahead my child, feel free to partake of all your inheritance. You are free to be loved and free to give love. Change your focus to line up to all I say you are.

If you want to know your true identity, don't look at all the world claims you are, look to Jesus. Come to know his character and you will come to know yourself because his character is also available to you. His patience, kindness, and peace I give to you. What a sweet aroma you are to me, my child. What a lovely fragrance.

Take a look at the rose; it is one of my most cherished creations and a wonderful representation of your identity in me. You see, my child, the fragrance of a rose is its crowning glory. How I enjoyed the scent of the roses in the garden when I walked with woman and man. Such joy and pleasure it brought to me, but now it is you that is my source of joy. You are my Beloved.

Notice there is no other scent produced by the rose, except that which I have given. A rose cannot produce the scent of lavender or of musty earth after a fresh rain. The coffee bean or an ocean breeze cannot compare. No, a rose has a scent all its own. Beloved, the rose is most fragrant when it has been crushed and its oil is poured out.

My son, Jesus, became crushed and he was poured out in order that you would be made fragrant. Fragrant so others would come to know the beauty of my great love. Your fragrance is my delight. I delight in you!

Beloved, next time you are tempted to look dimly into the reflection of this world, remember that I am renewing you day by day. My claim is that you are precious and lovely. Live believing that. Focus on my goodness and not the negativity of this world. Place your focus on Jesus and you will begin to walk in light of your true identity.

You are the fragrant sweet aroma, the crowning of our great love. Breathe in all which that encompasses and you will become like the rose in full bloom; most exquisite and fragrant.

Beloved, how exquisite you are!

2 Corinthians 2:14-16

14 But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and manifests through us the sweet aroma of the knowledge of Him in every place. 15 For we are a fragrance of Christ to God among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing; 16 to the one an aroma from death to death, to the other an aroma from life to life. And who is adequate for these things?



  1. Moses gave up a life of privilege to follow God and deliver the Children of Israel to the Promised Land.

    You wrote: 'The world offers you distinctiveness found through youth, fame, success, wealth, possessions, titles, power and beauty.' Yes it does, but even youth and beauty fade eventually. We all get old but God is always there throughout. And His treasures are lasting and will carry us through death... to the Promised Land.

  2. Oh Tim you are absolutely correct. I hope you didn't misunderstand and think I was suggesting that the things this world has to offer are to be our goal to obtain. Quite the contrary. Even in the church however, we have an identity crisis because of the lies this world has fed us. Our identity is in Christ and it is his promises that remind us of his great love for us. Youth and beauty fade but who we are in Christ is what will last forever. That battle rages between whose voice we in the church will listen to.

    1. I didn't misunderstand Lori, I got your very wise point completely! As you say, these things seem to offer hope and happiness, and goodness knows people living in the wealthy parts of the world are bombarded every day with dreams of wealth and success; but for us Christians I believe success is a broad word, and we know that wealth and worldly success often rarely brings true contentment or happiness. If this was so all rich people would be happy and content; and I often think they are not.
